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Sep 2016
I was not made for bright dancing lights,
I was not made for rushing,
Falling heart over head in love
In a matter of days.

You were made for holding my hand,
Tugging me behind,
As you ran and jumped, sang and laughed,
Leaving me in your dust.

I thought, for a sunlit moment,
That your smile, your warm eyes,
Were made just for me.
I know better now.

You are made of sunlit moments,
Optimistic smiles,
And laughter that fills the room.

I am made of silent speeches,
Comforting embraces,
And soft laughter, saved for intimate moments.

I'm afraid, in the end,
You fell far too fast for my fractured heart,
And I hoped far too soon for your soft skin.

I'm sorry, for that.
Written by
Rat  24/Non-binary/Portland, Oregon
(24/Non-binary/Portland, Oregon)   
   --- and Doug Potter
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