They told them the old fable of if your bad then you will descend to the depths where only torture and flame will scour your bones. That only madness of constant sin would be the only voices you would hear over and over again.
An eternity of your own vocalization mocking every empathy that saturates from your silhouette but that was what we were told, what kept us safe in our singular thought for if the truth was anticipated then we would never gaze into the darkness again.
The rains they always feel like purity they consecrated the linear moments. If you looked hard enough they seemed to fall within a melody of configuration not as random as one would think. But within this drowning of surface, one did not notice what was said.
A message hid between the volatility of what was not conserved and only a few were cognitive to realise what was perceived. Read between the droplets that hid within them so many secrets, you just had to capture one in full form to understand its meaning or it meant nothing at all.
We would pass upon the veil of our existence not knowing that the unheard voice that we heard were always when the rains descended never noticing between he translucent that there were charcoal imprints that fell in haste towards the statuettes of man frozen in that moment to conceal that blending.
For what we were uttered in belief that what was our ending was beneath us, but was in fact the plain of existence for which we tread upon. our being is but a never ending journey that falls from the confusion of above each of us but a singular thought that we merge on the living to remedy the mistakes of before.
So when you look at what was a life of regrets and a life of rights or wrongs, know that we are but droplets of conciseness that are not reborn but reformed into actions that we descend upon. We are the actions of others free will to make or to listen to what we evaporate into their thoughts, right or wrong.