it was cold as it wet my feet near a rusted black mailbox.
Walking a cracked and weather-beaten driveway, bent down- smelled odors of dampened pavement.
Fragrances of autumn when rain showers or pours, reflect stark distinctions- from when the weather is warm and dry.
Can't stop wondering, if we're headed toward a rainy season. That wouldn't bother me as long as rain- pattering on surfaces of gray and blackened asphalt roads and country drives, spoke of new beginnings- through observant eyes.
Rain on green grass- cultivates an aroma of roots and earth.
Pounding down- picking up steadier momentum, as it splatters ground.
Soil christened, by millions of clear teardrops- streaking faces of clouds above,
rolling down- refreshing and purifying deepest roots, buried in dirt.
Everything appears so fresh- seasons of reinvention, on the surface of sidewalks and blacktops
represent- slates wiped clean.
I breathe in- this autumn air, surrendering sighs of relief- as I ponder deliberate ruminations