We don’t look like they do, graphic replicas of a life in tatters, drifting on lonesome clouds Dove’s wing spread capturing the wind, waving goodbye to an existence that dreams in black and white, fashioning commercials like chip and salsa dispensers
Camouflaged by sadness, greens and browns woven in corduroy overalls Contemplating the loss before the beginning creates a title and words have only meaning for other who chose to read and believe that each day is a jewel in the crown of the month
Floating on seas of discontent even though heart shaped sails reflect on horizons much closer than they appear but still so far away that silhouettes resemble unmentionables as others keep a watchful eye for anything that even seems like a tide fueled rumor, just because they can
Still, we don’t look like they do, maybe because our visions come through a brilliant sunrise and we realize we do need somebody and we won’t hesitate to cherish, quietly of course, those who come to touch us in the wake of our dreams, hiding in plain sight, disguised as no one in particular