I sit in class, the same as every day But my head is so far away— I sit propped up, as if I am paying attention— My face is pressed into the palm of my hand, As my mind wanders off, into its own world.
I can be happy here— It’s everything I imagined, Because it’s exactly what I imagined— No more teachers, no more parents, friends, enemies Just myself, and the sound of pure uninterrupted silence.
I lay back, with my eyes closed— And now I will do nothing but listen. I listen, and listen, but continue to hear silence. It causes me to question everything I know…
Life. God. You.
What does happiness feel like? Where can I find it? I continue to question, until all of a sudden— I can feel it— The answer… Pushing and shoving its way out, Frozen on my tongue, closer and closer. I can taste it, finally I will know…
And as fast as it comes, I lose it, Back to the silence. The bell rings, and I wake up— Class dismissed.