love is patient love is kind. it does not envy it does not boast love is virtuous and accepting and whole it is not angry nor malicious nor ill tempered or weak loving someone however you hear these words is not written in textbook it takes forces far greater than those printed on paper it takes forces far greater than love alone human progression is not overshadowed or exempt of love it is not absent nor negligent to its person love is recovery love is healing love is not a cure to the ones who experience it ask them, they will tell you. their love has bursts of anger moments of temptation it has ill temperament it has anger it is boastful and envious it has weakness love is expansion it is movement and growth it is acceptance of envy acceptance of weakness loving someone is a full time job it is not pure in nature it is not the romantic era poets it is full of lust and anger it is selfish it is not a cure it is an extension, not a necessity it is not exclusive or inclusive to growth it is something no book can teach you; you must learn through experience that love takes far more complicated emotions than just love