Clear is not innocence, clear is lack of justice. Clear is ****. It is ****. Is me, is clear, is vacant, is *****.*
They took my sweater first. Cardigan. Blue, bought it on a family trip to Florida (on sale). I was fifteen. 15.
15 years old and they paraded it around the basement of my classmate’s house.
Parents not home. The Home in the suburbs. Classmate’s parents going through a divorce (very quietly).
They kept alcohol in the closet.
15 years old and He took my sweater first. I think his name was spencer.
I can’t remember- they were feeding me , helping me to breathe in grain alcohol. Soak it in. Clear. Almost water not quite water looks like water. Breathe. Breathe drink breathe drink . 15
I didn’t know how to drink. My first time drinking breathe drink breathe no more breathing heavy breathing they took me into the bedroom upstairs.
What happened there . The strangest thing I don’t remember woke up the next morning not my shirt WHERE’S MY SHIRT. **** my sweater can’t find it.
wearing someone else’s socks.
The socks are black with rubber grips on the bottom