Words expressed to the one I love Selectively picked just for you To show I am here Now Tomorrow For all time
Placed together and presented to you With an understanding of your past pain To give comfort Belief Healing For love
Letting you know, no matter what To the extent you determine At the parameters you define I am yours At your command No limits
These were not just words to me I thought you knew that I thought you could see My heart In your hands No protection
But to my shock and dismay No sooner did I give the words to you Did you turn and give them away Wow **** How can this be
You say there was a different context And I just don't understand When you said the words to her They didn't mean the same Really Huh For real
"In Any Capacity"....hmmmm The meaning seems quite plain If there is another definition I wish you would explain In Any Capacity
Regardless what the reason This is what I assume You had to give the words away Because you hurt too much to consume Them What they meant That they were for you
If you knew that you were worthy If you knew what their meaning could bestow You wouldn't have thrown away these words For someone you barely know Devalued Defiled That which you feared