webbdoodle: decline of kinesiology because of technology twatterclap: frustration with writing grangull: witty yet naïve dormitage: finding the best AirBnB and roommate wayspaying: reckless neutering of men by feminism wartle: a slow war by a pathetic guerilla enemy tranception: communication of souls in eternity rittle: a mind-teaser for dumb people Minkumpf: a book on animal genocide pregromanging: predictive programming about cool fashions in the future Shilluminatus: a fake illuminati person Ralphiesque: Someone on the wrong side of history cognoscenti: real illumination whasper: Ghostly contact with ghouls frimple: folding your clothese every day Treecheese: money to be made in preserving rainforests tattermedalion: pretended poor person that lives in poverty to disguise his wealth flocksturr: focuses on avionics of top secret craft panejectifron: time-travelers exiting their cars pancledes: time travlers that can be identified covertthow: an attempt by spies to gain more power martle: someone too slow to survive on mars marstion: foothold on habitable planet wibble-wabble: tergiversation in high pressure situations flipsquire:99th percentile IQ frankquibber: 98th percentile IQ cloveryield: the earnings of luck on aleatory circumstance actsequlade: quaint TV sitcoms gimply: with a great gait fourteenfive:genius level intelligence qwence: the place for elite people to congregate Bilderberg: the crownpiece of kapstone paper that selects comfort lazily based on nepotism that worships enough owls until the decided date and that foists roosters to meet with clement (exceptionally) and inclement fate frohemian: black hipsters Effrogallant: Bold non-linear flirtation Sart: coffin for poor people Ralsk: secret underground subway system riniguss: landlocked prosperity tryme: corruption in court for poor people whyern: beginning of stardom marzarratea: Ghoulish time-travelers who talk too often Awgrudge: underwhelming emotional reaction Virtualasis: long-distance non-physical romance wikken: genocide of sentient but stupid humans qwask: infiltrate the untouchables rijuice: A preordained outcome of an important game Lagonagria: The uncertainty of scores even with prophetic insight wopper: someone who is permanently oppressed axile: carefully being cut or carved pruke: ***** that comes from nausea that is forced pluke: excessive absorption of new knowledge ghallitosis: Fear of the unknown in time-travel jimpster: a contactee by liaison with time travelers sessomotto: rocketship whilded: anticipation of death (thanatopsis) praken: Aeolian winds of mythical divinity mustreacle: expectations that are unrealistic that ruins lives klangquant: making enemies of the aristocracy pyer: effigy of a dead person bearing no blood crabwhisker: when two people have such different associations they have no emotional propinquity and therefore can't relate to each other prull it: implode a building wetringle: droplets of vaginal fluid cravvel: people with VD that pretend celibacy revdection: the art of inventing new words to gain an advantage