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Sep 2016
Night brings fright to my delight, where angels and demons fight. While wanderers search for hope, while addicts learn to cope. Soon night takes over, soon death may attack, soon rich become beggars that lack. While Ill thoughts may circle in one's mind, compulsion takes over and what may transpire cannot be unwounded. Walking down dark paths, searching for reasons to live, having the faintest hope that you have an answer to give. What is worse wanting to die or behind dead inside, either way their is no light inside to keep staying bonafide. To be or to not is the question that leaves some so distraught. Desperate times, desperate measures, doesn't matter if your an idiot or if you're clever. Wanting to let go of the lever, wondering if life will ever get better. Isolating and severing off from friends and family, is dangerous because then the story usually ends in tragedy. Suicidal tendencies, depression seeps in, wanting to give in to these darkly whims. Stuck with grim desires, wanting to just give up and set the world on fire. Just mortals longing to be invincible, if only we knew that others think that we are pretty incredible. We long to be free, but we don't know how to be free, we have lost touch with who we used to be. No longer recognize the persons in the mirror, wondering if you'll ever see clearer again, which is one of our greatest fears. To death do I part, from who I was from the start? Walking with Ill thoughts with strange intentions, I think I know why people say I need an intervention.Β Β Walking without a purpose, that night I wanted to end it all because I felt worthless. Night destroys the once firm foundation I once stood on, good thing there were still people in my life that I could lean on. To death do I part I don't even need others to hurt me because I'm already pretty good at breaking my own heart? Felt like I was slipping away into oblivion, for I was a lost soul that once thought he could control this dominion. Is he a coward to die or a coward for wanting to live life that is what I had to ask myself when I was holding that sharp knife! Would I be in hell, would I be in purgatory, would I be heaven, or will there be nothing which would mean I have wasted my life believing in falsified stories. I've seen to much, I've heard to much, am I normal or am I out touch clinging onto beliefs like a crutch. I was so broken, I was so done, and looking over the horizon for hope like it was the sun. To death do I part, though I have missed the mark so many times because I was in the dark! But now light shines so bright upon me, I was once blind but now I can see. The past is the past; I have to forget about my prequel, so that I can start a new sequel. This concludes my Classy interlude thanks for listening to me, but don't worry I'll be back because you can't **** my rap dynasty. To death I shall part ways from, instead I'll be vacationing in the Caribbean drinking some **** good ***.
Classy J
Written by
Classy J  22/M/Medicine Hat
(22/M/Medicine Hat)   
   Keith Wilson
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