tiny piece of lint was my imprint at birth. She named me the most insignificant piece of it... the lint in the corner of your pocket.
held close, near the warmth of the thigh. secure, protected. little piece of lint.
the challenge with it is that I have always felt it. insignificant. humility has been my blanket. it has protected me from the fingers reaching in to grab hold of coins and other pocket stuff. that dark corner down there, where the blue piece of lint rests. wash after wash, the water only beats it. forms a perfect ball. the sides never stop. the cycles maintain.
the challenge is I still feel this. insignificant. I always will. I see what I am a part of. I feel the magic of it. that background buzz, humming... yes..... I hear it. my perspective just one tiny bit of it. little pocket lint.
significance rests there. in each piece of it. the wind only exists because of the other tiny bits. this is the delicate bliss. the kiss. this awareness. feeding from its passion to be because it is. it is repetitive in nature, though what I see is. It just is. and it creates. it extends.
I expand into your hand and you free me. you release me from the dark corners and set me free. to be la nita. to grow by attracting energy. with the right charge, a lint ball can exchange electricity!
my tears burn some nights, they purge the energy of the day. though I was built this way, molded and shaped for it. flexibility to change is key, until that day. and in between I've now seen, my responsibility is to just be me, my imprint.