That crackling conversation by the fireside on a hopeless winters night led me to sipping of cognac from the pools of your eyes and there you were weaving dreamy spells to effortlessly entrap my heart
i had no hope you knew.
Though many moons have passed, I still see those roses pressed between the pages of a book reminding me of the thorns we pricked , when we were young it was also the time you said you would never let me go… and you never did.
Today, the aroma of coffee is wafting in the air drawing me out to hear the guitar strumming to my heart on a Valparaiso sunset ever so slowly at each cord…
So you hold my hand and enchant me in nostalgia once again as those childish waves splash playfully on the shore beckoning us to come and play
and we do... we always do.
this is all about falling in love with that one and only -and sticking through thick and thin.