Note:* This poem is inspired by the words of my beloved Mother. I continue to miss her and ache to hear her voice once more. I know one day we shall be reunited in a world without pain...
Heart of God
“Remember well, my son… For the Almighty all-knowing God does not live in the bricks, cement or the timber sticks of
a temple, a mosque, or a church, nor a synagogue,
The abode of God is in the heart of every man, woman and child upon this emerald earth,
This was one amongst the many gifts He bestowed upon us. Therefore, Be soft and gentle, and remember…*
Never break the heart of another, For when you cause hurt in a heart, That is when there is a ripple in the palace of paradise where resides the one true God of All.
Love yourself, Love others, Love the most Merciful and love one and all.
Remember too one more thing, Leave those you meet with a smile playing upon their lips and lives and smiles singing in the chambers of their hearts too…”