Zunè Veronique leading to a mall is a river that flows through a tunnel of trees. Where her boutique is. A lock that hangs on a key chain with three golden keys. She asked me to write her a poem please? Before you can enter the boutique there is a a bridge completely covered in water to cross.
Walking through abandoned malls to find her boutique. Her favourite show could be heard playing in the background that is ridiculousness. Her name can be seen in the logo when I stand in front of the boutique. From the boutiques entrance you cant really see what is going on, on the inside. Plants that are standing on the outside.
Huge windows where you can see her lovely design. Her clothes are top of the line. As I enter the boutique bubbles flew past me. It was so fast I didn't see. Before the sun sets.
I walked past princess Jasmines dress. Mordecia was seen he was a mess. Her favourite song could be heard playing over the stereo. While your looking at her photo. The smell of clothes as you enter the boutique.
I saw a mirror that shows her how beautiful she is. Going into the boutique is like entering the depths of her heart and her creativity can be found there. Hurt her and beware. When you enter the boutique you see her beautiful face. Whenever your looking for her you can find her in the boutique.
What is she designing something special from her heart. She is designing a black dress with gold shoes, painting someone's nails and doing her hair close to her heart. Everything she designs is genuine. Her heart kept safe in a bag of her own design. I knew it from the start that she is a sweetheart.