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Aug 2016
How to fix my wires?
How to oil these gears?
I am a humble Jack
who can't come out of the box.

What joy can I bring?
What sound can I ring?
When I'm as sad as this box
covered in darkness and dust.

When can I see the light?
When can I burst and shout?
I can't seem to fathom
thoughts everywhere they bloom.

Where is everybody when I need them?
Where are the faces I long have seen?
On this four sides of my sorrow
they never take part nor show.

Why's my fate has lead to this?
Why am I stuck and left in a bliss?
Someday, somehow I'll get out of this
until someone, somehow, manage to take risk.
I still have questions that's never answered.
Elaine Danica V Villapando
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