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Aug 2016
The knife of words,
stabbing so deep;
penetrating skin,
forever bleeding

The shot of words,
loud and deafening;
piercing flesh,
forever bleeding.

The grenade of words,
unexpected and blown to bits;
out in the open,
forever bleeding.

The glass of words,
the shards cut deep;
slicing everything in its path,
forever bleeding

The rope of words,
hanging there suffocating,
tightening more until
your gone.
Forever Dying.
Help stop suicide. Don't be a bully!! Offer kindness for no cost. Words do hurt, no matter how much you think they don't. They might make you feel better but what about the person you're saying it to. Words affect people's actions and people's actions affect their life. Don't ***** your life up and don't ***** someone else's up.
Written by
Cheyanne Markley  Abingdon
     martin, GaryFairy, --- and ---
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