I'm losing a fight i cannot win. Why does my enemy haunt me above all else? I can't concentrate, i stumble but don't fall. Whose hands are these? I cant seem to remember. When did my feet become so heavy? Where am i even going? Dreams, dreams while i am awake... I don't know whats real anymore. I cant give up. i press on, Unable to fight back But refusing to back down. Unwilling to yield, this enemy i know. So cold... No compromise can be won here. No discussion, no rational, No allies in this war. I command an army of one. And now those i love, even in their homes fall. I stumble, i fall. Whose heavy head hangs on this neck? Maybe some odds Were never meant to be surmounted. Fear takes over as i finally realise, I'm sinking for the last time. My strength gives out, I concede this battle. Not willing still to submit, I position myself upright as i can, Leaning as i must. My eyes close for the Last Time. I catch a fleeting glimpse of the victor. Gloating, as my sanity crumbles And i cease to think. How gentle he appears, How benign and sweet. All reason lost as my mind goes blank. And i once again Fall, helpless, To sleep