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Apr 2012
Banners and balloons were flying,
The mood was bright and gay.
No one knew what was occurring,
Less than a block away.
The band was marching all in tune,
The drums were all in beat,
No one knew what was occurring,
Just down another street.
Cotton candy and toys being sold,
The sky wouldn't dare to rain,
No one knew what was occurring,
Just down another lane.
But I knew what was occurring,
While the town was on parade,
I walked into the valley of death,
And laid down in the shade.
And saw the banners and the balloons flying...
And heard the band just pass me by,
I felt the percussion of all the drums,
And not a cloud was in the sky.
They knew not of me, not of my pain,
Yet I knew of their fun,
I'm not the only one who died today,
No I"m not the only one.
deanena tierney
Written by
deanena tierney  47/F
   Ahmad Cox
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