You see hawker shops was very poxley today when they had this wheel where one of the prizes was a hug And mate I think that is very poxley very very poxley I prefer to watch jimmy Barnes and Tim Minchin rather than spin a stupid wheel they put there for the kids There is no way that hawker shops will be popular today And mate it looks very poxley This is my house and I live in it It is made of glass and photographs of people that you Have met at least once in your life But this stupid wheel in hawker Is stupid and I think it is not for The local shops It is better at the ovals Where they need to give out better prizes than free hugs **** me that sounds so poxley **** it does and I prefer to remain young and free rather than be old and stupid Why the **** do they have a wheel in the middle of the shops for it sounds so poxley It will be different if it was a proper prize wheel but this was totally poxley dudes I will wait in my house till 3-46 For it to *******