Excitement to find the hidden Codes in the corners During school days. Those days of entrapment. The slave training days. Hey, awareness is my only Approach To breaking habit.
Those days, we scanned the note Forward and backward Looking for games. Knowing make believe When we see it.
Those days, when we were freer Within, Those days are staged with Cob webs, Like what do you want to be when you grow up? And, black people were slaves. This intricate Web so delicately Entrapping truth,
WE are ONE.
It's the 1, the 1st, the real truth. It's freedom, abundant love, It's You. See WE in you.
The only work to be done, The tribe is human. We are scattered across our Mothers chest She nourishes our breath. We receive.
Those days I was imprinted with Images of dollars in my head. Now I prepare to break free. Cob webs and spiders no longer Intimidate me. Bring it, I see. Clearly.