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Jul 2016
Its all horrible
We write it badly
We treat it poorly
We swim in it
We bath in it
We **** in it
We pollute it
And then we drink it all down
With all our dirt and filth
And blood and *****
We foam at the mouth for it
Perpetually thirsty for more
Hungry for our own human excrement and disease
Smearing ink in lustful fits
Burning paper and prayers begging the stars to deliver us to love
Or in true desperation
From love
Dog earring every page of a thesaurus
Yet never touching a dictionary
Four letter words disguised in elegant metaphors
All the flash of a deadpan affair
Of little meaning and no significance
We trudge through it day after day
Wasting our yesterday's
Chasing the forever distant tomorrow
Completely forgetting today again and again
We claim to dream
But never sleep
We die before we ever live
We only love to pretend
And only pretend to love
While whispering that four letter word
In the dark
Under stars and sheets
Moaning the minutes away
Grinding flesh over bones
Faking death as we carelessly spill life
Between ******* and on low backs
The four letter word echoing along our spines
As we come down from hollow ectasy
Then we bath in it
Swim in it
Pollute it
Treat it poorly
And worst of all write it down
The horrible act of poetry
Akira Chinen
Written by
Akira Chinen  122/M/texas
       Swanswart, ---, Lora Lee, ---, --- and 7 others
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