You’re living day to day I live thinking I have plenty of time You're not waiting for dream Sleeping is like committing a crime
I wait for my dreams to take me away There’s nothing to read on the walls anymore All the pictures have been taken down I have to forget or try to imagine it's like before
You're so strong You’re already forgiven He let you live another day I wasted the one before He taught you to walk like you’re in heaven He told me I still need to pray
You don’t ask for much anymore He taught you how to count blessings And the day that the morning sun brings Is the blessing I always seem to be missing
I think about the nights You think about each day We seem to live on opposite sides of the world The light you reflect makes God smile The darkness I absorb is why I’ve lost my way
You're so strong You’re already forgiven He let you live another day I wasted the one before He taught you to walk like you’re in heaven He told me I still need to pray
For a friend who has been told that her cancer will relapse even though it has been in remission for six years.