"It is so late at night." I agree. However, I'd much rather see such as "it is so darned early!" Time has two flavors. "Half and Half" (like Creamer) or "Full Roasted Blends"(like cofees). I prefer a a drink of both, thank you. Both are "pick me ups" However, "Full and True Flavor" is the final drink Which I like to pour. Dinner or Breakfeast. Both are at "too late" or "too early" of times. As rebelious as I like to become, I have dinner in the morning and Breakfeast in the night time. However your taste may be for "the flavors in life," I go a unique way.. "I like a little flavor" from a "lot of origins and pathways, in "Life's spicerack." I like to "mix things up" Rather than to stay "Organized and bland." I grab my spoon, now, stir and enjoy a new found treat.