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Jul 2016
Blessings are blessings but some are just more significant than the others, some we just won't ever deserve.

When I saw her I knew it was one of those blessings, I saw the lord in her eyes & the sight temporarily froze my nerves.

Having her fingers fill the spaces between mine while I drive feels like having my dreams in my palms.

Do you know what is feels like to be scared because you feel safe? Imagine having your heart pounding when you've never been more calm.

I would say I'm going to trip, I'm probably going to fall, but when she lays in my arms it's like I'm on the floor already.

If the day ever comes when you decide to say you're mines just know I'm yours already.

In a generation full of questions and worries it's like striking oil the rarity of finding someone you know deep down you can trust for certain.

Having you in my life has showed me that when you care about someone it's like going to the dog pound, You look forward to showing them better while you hate who ever hurt them.
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