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Jul 2016
I feel like it should have been more obvious to me, but either way, I woke up how I was intended to.
There is no escaping this weight
Everything seemed to be existing in shades of blue and green, with edges of pink sickness.
I watched her try to be happy
In turn, that wound me up like some demented jack in a box
I sipped soup out of a bowl with soaking shirts in it
Admired the new growth on my plant, picking off the dead things.
My dads belly and words were so full, I could smell the sickly sweet promises that came dripping out of his mouth.
His mouth was moving so fast, so wide, and so open; full of nice teeth.
It made me want to die
Really though, it made me want to fade away
Softly though
Into the grains of the hardwood floor
Annie Dark
Written by
Annie Dark
   Dana Colgan
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