Altruism, at its best, Is only a means to pass a test That you perceive you are in... Of an absent God who licks your chin
"What, in her do you see? Pray tell!" "She's so selfless; generous to all." "So she tells me", I think to myself. "...To all but you.", I think. And stall.
What do I tell my dear dear brother? What do I tell this brilliant boy? That I'd rather he find another? Altruism schmaltruism - Where's the joy?
Out of the ashes Altruism arises Here in this place There are no prizes
There are no rewards Other than bragging rights...
Cut the cord. Loose the bonds. It's flimsy fodder - to offset fights
Some people who think they are altruistic AF are really the most hurtful to those close to them.