They finished a dinner by candle light the darkness just beyond the candle light created the Elusive hard to capture romantic mood this gave expression to longing and from it emerges an antique
Glass plate image of a passenger car from yesteryear all else about the train was shrouded in the dark But how the car beamed and gleamed the invitation was like a magic wand with golden glittering light
First through eyes then grazing the heart then the explosion that occurred in the soul the two of them Stepped onto the steps and entered a different time and different world elegance flowed the length
Of the interior of the car from rich leather to the finest cloth from the carpeted floor to the delicate Chandeliered lights that hung from the ceiling at points where the sky view windows temporarily
Stopped their customary flow that brought the day and night heavens within your power to touch Race along in the moonlight see the arching trees breaking with this glorious light is it not to as if you are
Flying on the night wind the eyes have been caught up in a dream then the hearing stereophonic Romantic violin drifts within this cube that pulses did you leave the American river you were following
As it curved and flowed in this mountain valley but now it seems you have jumped the track and are Now speeding through French Tuscany how the vineyards create a plausible bow that carries you back
Even further when these villas were new and the youthful lovers were young they seem to press and Feed your own romanticism drink deeply from this post card from abroad as the train stops leave it
Momentarily hand in hand stroll down a darkened path the stillness only enraptures and you bask in the Wonder night creates and love grows ever stronger through the hand you hold well cupid or the
Conductor shouts all aboard continue to enjoy your privileged ride it is the promise and the fulfillment of being in love