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Jul 2016
We are on the brink
We must fight to survive
We must fight to live

Our energies collide
But we must not turn them to fire
Fire which burns all in its path

We must cool the meshing waves
And turn them to creation
And ask ourselves
Why do we do it?

We must awaken
Our deepest morality

Mine our consciousness
To create coexistence

Never should our bodies turn to arms
Never should we destroy life

Smiles and laughter alone
Should decorate the faces of the young
As they gallop into the future

Those who have exploited others
Must repay them

Those who have done wrong
Must put it right

Those who promote imbalance
Must rebalance

We must find a way
To create a home for everyone

The natural earth is our joy and guide
The very birds and flowers
Rivers and seas cushion us from our basest desires

The diversity of nature
Shows us the way

The fine balance of nitrogen oxygen
Argon and carbon dioxide
In our air
Allows us to breathe and metabolise

We are loved, embraced, nurtured
By our universe

We must fight
And work
For our very future
26th July 2016
Commuter Poet
Written by
Commuter Poet  UK
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