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Jul 2016
Weeks spent searching for an answer.
Inside, I've only been finding cancer.
Grow strong, you'll be a dancer.
"You're wrong, that's not the answer."

I'll grow into a crook, roaming streets.
I'll crack open stores, like nuts, for eats.
Prostitutes will be my daily conviction.
My homes will slay me with eviction.

Little did I know, I'd become a legend.
Like Bilbo humbly living at Bag End.
Plenty stories to tell, mistakes to defend.
Dragons I've slain, lovers in deep ends.

Yet, it's all come down on this bluff.
I'd always believed I was a tough.
I'll have you know, it's just a bluff.
When I jump, I'll fly into the rough.
Had some fun with this one.
Haven't had an impassioned one, of late, but I'm sure it's coming sometime.
Until then, I'll just mess around with sentence structure, rhythm and rhyme schemes.
I hope you like this!


Darren Edsel Wilson
Written by
Darren Edsel Wilson  33/M/Philadelphia
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