There are no prayers here This is where the dead come to sleep Get up of your knee now Oh foresaken one Colour the stars in black Breathe in a breathe - make it last Now we'll judge you for your worth
This is the death market Where disease comes to purchase tokens The grocers of death With little smiling faces Would you like to buy a soul? How much for a pill box coffin How much for a child's laugh
Heads stacked up like potatoes Would you care to buy a few? A penny for a sinner's lungs Another for a broken heart Hands turned up, ready and waiting Dark magic, it does happen here Deadly creatures come in weekly A one stop shop to find despair
The thief that I was, I stole their souls Left with mouths gone inside out These puppets on a string I'll play with their hearts tonight A sour note called out in madness I am still the criminal Disaster taps his feet and waits He will have his way tonight