Without U my world is blue My heart is restricted My eyes are damp My joy is gone I'm a broken disgrace.
You were the light in life The smile on my face the Beat of my heart Now all I hAve is this Pain.
Pain to get up and live another day Sad and depressed in every single way. Nothing is ever going to be the same I gave up on life in a way.
My purpose in life is gone My energy to try isn't there I don't seem to even remotely care I haven't even brushed my hair.
I miss you smell I miss watching you sleep I miss your laugh And your cute tiny feet.
Why did I lose control Why do people offer to help When the truth is their robbing the innocence of our souls Signing away their life
I wish I could rewind time Go back and be more wise To open my ******* eyes Only that can't happen I'm empty inside
I would rather be dead than alive Being a mommy was the only thing I ever wanted Now I'm a worthless piece of garbage Take me out when u take out the trash I might as well be thrown out on my ***.
I want to curl up into a ball I want to give up on life And cry.. even bawl Throw everything I own at a wall Disappear and all.