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Jul 2016
When you are at your lowest ebb
Who do you turn to?
Who would you trust
With your life?
Where are the role models?

The young step through
The mirror of ages
To confront
Crushing anxieties
Of self doubt

What if?
What if?

Dialogue with oneself
Can drive one crazy

Are there to share
They are
The keys
To our connectedness
A pathway to friendship

No one should suffer on their own
We are one race

Your pain
Is not separate from me

Your happiness
Your victory
Is something
To be celebrated

There is hope

It is stronger
Than all human pain

The future is
Ours to create

And it should shine
With the bright rays
Of true humanity
23rd July 2016
Commuter Poet
Written by
Commuter Poet  UK
   K-mari AJani Jones and ---
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