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Jul 2016
I have worn this face for so long
And won in convincing my soul in this world i don't belong
A look i have spiced with a smile
With a glow that beckons from a mile
This is a camouflage of demons inside me
Poetry and lines with dirge theme
Deceiving mask of hapiness
Yet my heart echoes with emptiness
Behind this veil am spent and shattered
My sanity all over scattered

  My face is just a book cover
You need to peruse my chapters over and over
At the end of my story
You will choose to worry or be sorry
The truth will be full blown
Reality will dawn
My face is just a prison with no walls
Which confines my secrets and all ills
Behind every beauty there is a beast
Ready to devour and feast
On our true identity
#poetryrebirth #kenyaismybeat
kelvin mungai
Written by
kelvin mungai  nairobi,kenya
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