Take me to the river where bulrushes silently stand Slip your fingers inside my mind as we lay back on the alluvium's pale, gold sand Touch those thoughts whirling 'round as they're caught up in the tide Feel up my soul's desires, inhibitions-- cast aside whirling like slick, smooth algae our mouths show more than they say gentle otters check us out inviting us to play Take the fragrance from those water lillies rub it on me instead of clothes Cup your hands into cool water and pour it on my toes Then slake it over my burning heart, to soothe its torrid beats Then let's sprinkle pollen from the cattails until we are covered head to feet all rich yellow-hued powder so ready for the bees and now the time has come, my sweet to explore what freedom really means So take my heart into your hands (sorry if it burns) throw it to the whirlpool, now gentle in its churns Give me your heart in turn, thank you kindly for that gesture I am not letting go despite its active embers My fingers were made, you see to hold its dark, live coals kiss its blood-pumped rhythms love your pain out if it grows Now let's jump into the current, and echo laughter through the shoals
Feelin kinda passionate and whimsical at once. Plus, that burning. Ouch. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ICnlyNUt_0o