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Jul 2016
That I've paid some much necessary respect
To amazing poets
That have inspired, encouraged, and progressed me
Be it as a poet
A thinker
A person
Your words,
Whether directed at me through message
Or unintentionally meant for me in
Your poetry

My heart goes out to
For considering my works exceptional enough
To be a part of your group
Which boosted my confidence

Rare But Relevant
For giving me slight insight to you
And your friend's hearts
Providing even more encouragement
And purpose to my words

For knowing everything will be okay
In the end
No matter how hard it seems now

Jennifer R. Fay
For recently admiring my works
And for slightly less recently for
Touching my heart

For beautiful short breaths of life
That include so many juxtaposing
Emotions that can cause a heart
To learn

And finally
To Jack Michael Westland
For beautiful poetry
Help for stories to come
And for beautiful friendship

I realize this is a somewhat
******* poem but I felt
A need to openly thank you all
For the help you've given me
From the sincerity of my heart
So from the honesty of mine
I love you all
Samm Marie
Written by
Samm Marie  22/F/Somewhere Between
(22/F/Somewhere Between)   
   Bailey and ---
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