Part of the underground underground do not confuse this with the overland overground it's not quite the same,
fir trees don't grow down here in the dark, the carriages are light enough packed tight enough trolleys and cases right enough but it's different up top there's a buzz usually from the saw mills at three mills and not forgetting the rolling hills which are in my opinion much better than rolling stock, better than being cooped up in a cattle truck although to be fair cattle get more air to breathe can you believe that?
In just sitting here and writing I see from the corner of my weak eye a young woman biting her nails I guess if all else fails and you're a vampire, higher, I want to say but I don't and pay attention to the writing again. another thing that's not quite the same
I realise that everything's copied even imagination and that brings me into the new Stratford station home again home again we all want a home again a regular place a loving face to welcome us in.