This poem is dedicated to all of the unborn children.
Do you hear the cries of the unborn child Do you hear what he is trying to say, He is trying to plea for his life, so you don't take it away.
Do you know what will happen to you when come in front of Jesus on the judgment day? He will ask you why you did what you did, and you will not be able to explain it away. When he asks you don't you know who body belongs too? and you tell him it belongs to you alone. Will youΒ Β listen to him tell you, that you have that all wrong.
Jesus tell will you in a simple say, It was his blood that brought your life on the deary Good Friday afternoon so very long ago, and that your body is not your own.
You will think twice about it, before you take an innocent life because every life is precious in our Lord's eyes.