With another failure another escape plan strikes my brain And this time my brain somehow tricks me to believe that Maybe this plan could actually work. With words in my head Blood in form of anxiety flowing through my veins, I sit in a crowded room feeling empty, Wondering what my presence In this world looks like, What I look like from up there. Hours and hours of over thinking Leaves a shallow void in my head, A space of nothingness. Maybe I should execute this plan Maybe I shouldn't Maybe I should start caring for things a little more, Maybe I shouldn't For all my failures haven't made me any different, But oh well been successful in making me that abandoned, decrepit building that just exists with no life in it. They say try harder But I fall harder and harder with each trial. I need a remedy But mind you not your pity For I could be A hurricane, A volcano, A flower, A mountain, But that's another 'could've been' story. Right now I'm nothing but a mere shadow Looking for the person over it.