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Jul 2016
i never understood why people misunderstood writing with needing company, writing requires blanks - the internet bypassed the whole escapade of writing, automatic publishing, inevitable "company", writing was always and only always aware of blanks - but with the omni-literate populace writing was a homeless man's painting at the end of it - no blanks were filled, the man writing was a blank awaiting the daily tabloid to wipe his *** with... because isn't poetry associated with tabloid journalism these days? sure, we can keep Dante Shakespeare and the peddle-stool... modern poetry is a bit like tabloid journalism, hand-in-hand, the classic piece of journalism surrounding Titanic... Gabriel Rossetti... the classic bit of journalism when Versailles' intrigues were the rave and needed hush hush correspondence tactics... i'm not suggesting that the modern aristocrat can write code... but as Louis XIV said... power in appearances... and so it is.*

if a king could become a pauper like
in a fairy tale, then i'd choose to be pauper twice-over,
**** the king and his entourage -
i thought i lived in democracy - apparently
i live in placebo democracy -
to prove god at these times is to ***** **** a king
who thought that a mediocre son
of a doctor would churn the ambitions of
some courtesan for worth of being replaced -
if indeed an attack from aristocracy came -
if only from such heights i'd submit to the
crucifix ****** - such that from such resolve given
i cannot resign to penitent odd-job as a bank's cashier
for mere acknowledgement of a crow
as proof of authority, or a slick tongue -
as said unto Nigel - me, you, duel, Hyde Park -
but i guess the polo match of a son of a murdered mother
mattered morer - you could play that bit out
with Mary Antoinette - to mind the matter further,
i made cats my Hapsburg Monarchy,
i cleaned their **** more often than keeping
the words of a £10 banknote true -
i guess once you expand social class populations you
can stretch Armstrong your influence in them...
polite society and a few buttons of gold to keep them
hushing and jesting at being short of breath - ah -
it's no more elocution than it's elocution -
allies in Ireland - the wait for the hangman -
as long as the church stands and isn't filled with
lesser vipers than the carrier pigeon sellers of the synagogue
i guess we can sentence a few more operas with
castratos beyond the sopranos - but what use from
a dead lute player or a living one constantly antagonised
without commune? cheap labour? cheap joke?
crown in the gutter on a quasi-copper penny - no more than
a king's head in the gutter akin - and they thought
democracy worked - they really believed it -
but kept a few kings on the spare should democracy
become too chaotic and unbelievable -
what is it a few ***** here, a few ***** there and no
taste in ****** - wasn't that akin to Martin Luther tempt?
what of the great Hydras of history?
you already cut one head off, two have spawned,
cut the two and we will enter an exponential phase of
tactic - is my language so ridiculous because it's
not taught at school - how long will Shakespeare
talk to us with his ancient yarn ball of a tongue?
is my tongue so complicated as to be easily misunderstood?
of course, unless someone paid you to misunderstand it
for no worth either understanding it or misunderstanding it...
the damning essence in me is Hindu,
that i rather cherish an animal over a human -
for sustenance or company.
Mateuš Conrad
Written by
Mateuš Conrad  36/M/Essex (England)
(36/M/Essex (England))   
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