Your Ugly its final Its ok though not good No you didnt choose to but it happen Do you scare, that i wont say and yes you have value The mirrors have confessed and darkness delights in you surgical blades await by your pockets with good news of change Lame by looks and pure by heart Short in looks but heighted in thinking Strange at working comparable to strength So why are you Ugly, did they mix a wrong formula of you Alittle far to be approached though to the same breathe air is breathed Same light day moves Your cells must have gone insane, a strike of late appearance for even bombers stand great in beauty You mean you mind them because you look different Then dig through talent walk high in mayhem of focus Smile halleluia talk maturity it never meant to happen am sure you took a wrong face in a hurry thus return it, assemble all men and women alike return their property and claim yours, choose one you feel comfortable with at your cost Dont look suspicious for you may never get a chance to win and a chance to live as free opportuned by nature