It's not too late to realize that your actions define what lies underneath the surface. This web of lies you've woven tight around my mind had me believing that I was in love. A spell brought forth before my very eyes, words invoking a feeling in my heart, just to be left out in the cold, starving for attention... But don't you mind me, I'll be fine, at least I'll be alive, and did I fail to mention that the very sight of your picture makes me want to find time to be with you... But you're with them... With HIM... Not that I believe it's wrong, I want you to be happy, but could you spare some effort for me? Occasionally? I finished the Honey this evening; the bottle that christened our first meeting. Tasting the sweet bite takes me back to that night. I held you tight as you dreamed, while my **** screamed in agony, yet my heart bleeds with longing. Yearning for a deeper connection, I claw my way closer to who you really are, not realizing how easy it is to scar... but I respect your boundaries, like anyone elses. And so, once again, I go without... without touch, without grace, and without love. Alone with you, lying next to me in bed.