I count: A Silver line(ing) Wait, two. There they bask on top of his head, (Is it just me or is it getting hot in here) Dyed? I inquire. No answer. They lay, black-hole swallowed amongst Livelier, Lonelier, counterparts Youth, I imagine they think To themselves, is a void(ing) Reality. Age is the neon pink vitality of last Chances; they know The average lifespan of their kind: 730 days. --the queue groans forward two steps-- So they shift slightly and give in to an ebony hollow- Ness (cafe) isn't good for your health- I muse an an afterthought. The nest shivers, Rustles as the tree stalks away on neon pink Roots, a beige trunk.
Gave myself 5 minutes to write something from this inspiration and edited it a little afterwards. Hope ya'll have a nice day :)