There are times when sound can seem empty And the seams of our reality appear seamless As they wind and twist upon themselves Creating a multifaceted facade of perception About the world Both full of optimism, yet also very skeptical, and pessimistic When it comes to life
It is within these moments that clarity can be found Between the mores of an individuals foundation; Where action speaks louder than words and time looses all relevance Like the beat of your heart as I lean close to purge the monotony of the silence That pumps
Thump . Thump . Thump
Not at all dissimilar to the steady eyes that stare back for long loving moments Saying more than any cleverly designed line or stanza Penned by a poet looking to quantify human expression Into the rapid compression of words that can neither be proven Nor disproven Amongst the extreme variations or iterations That reiterate the same base emotion that motivates the pen As the paper runs out of lines to spin I begin Again to listen to the empty air that, in my mind, has became paired And aware of the natural connection that supercedes and transcends My thoughts as I'm lying next to you