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Jun 2016
I was quite busy cutting corners when it struck me and
Europe became a distant memory

the north east responded decisively and you tell me
there is 'no divide'

Last night
the dreams of affluence died in Solihull and somewhere in Macclesfield daggers were drawn.

A dawn of an even newer age!

the writing on the wall transferred to the uttering of the sage

page three may be gone
the silhouettes of leering men
linger on long into the night where
long knives wait.

A lucky stroke or a calamity
which side of which coin do you see?

I'd flip you for it but currency's worth 'jack ****' when no one's baking bread.

The future's up for grabs
and we're laying on marble mortuary slabs
get used to it
the votes were cast.
John Edward Smallshaw
Written by
John Edward Smallshaw  68/Here and now
(68/Here and now)   
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