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Jun 2016
Love and *** and lust, sometimes acting together, sometimes acting apart and seperate.  Entities of themselves.  When all working together though, let us pause and remember the beautiful people and moments when we have been so lucky, it is a wonder and magic we can find no where else in the time we spend breathing and walking through our lives.  It is a pure delight and beauty all hearts and souls and bodies deserve to experince... it is not by any means an easy moment to find yourself in, it is not something everyone will be lucky enough to experince.  For those who have experinced it, stop and remember it.  Let it crawl under the surface of your skin and consume you in this moment.  Get hard or wer or both if capable.  And those who haven't... imagine it, fantasize about it, let it crawl into your bones and blood and let nature take its course and your body feel its power.

And now things become ugly... ugly and uncomfortable and unpleasant.
For this moment is far too often taken away by force and far too often the victims are blamed and the criminals set free with little or no punishment.  Read on if you are willing, but know it is unpleasant and remember for those who have gone through it, far, far worse than we can conceive.

Now come down but remember the bliss of that moment.  
And if you can, many won't be able to, some will have unfortunately already experienced this horrible thing I am about to ask of you...
Imagine a monster, a beast, another living creature, a person... another thing in human disguise... Imagine them taking by force your ability to ever experience it.  To take away one of the purest moments and gifts we should all have the right to.  The moment when love and *** and lust all breath in harmony and unison.  A moment that no devil or god ever dreamed up would dare take away from us.  A moment when love is at its peak of truth and beauty and ectasy.  

There are however, monsters walking amongst us in plain sight and view, who have taken this away from our daughters, sisters, mothers, aunts, wives, friends and even at times, our sons and brothers.
Some dress as the criminals they are, others as promising students from families of wealth, or politicians or preachers or officers of peace and law or the friendly neighbor next door.  There is no way to tell from looking at them, there is no warning sign.  We only find out after it is to late to stop them.  After they have penetrated our childrens vulnerability and forever robbed them of being able to share in that moment and that gift we all have the right to give and share.  It is an act that is outrageous and criminal  and vile and under every instance that it happens should always be punished to the full extreme and ability of justice.  
Unfortunately it is not always so, money and family heritage and name have the disgusting ability to influnce our so called legal system.  Some going to the severe extent of claiming their monstrous spawn were the real victims.  That the momentary lapse of good moral judgment was forced on them by "her" short skirt or flirtatious eyes or drunk behavior.  That "she" was nothing more than a "*****" that was asking for it... begging for it.  And now because of "her" their poor son may never become the billionaire they had always hoped for.  That now he may have to suffer the poor life only millions can provide.  These families of wealth and name and privilege are the villans that live under the guise of good moral and strong faith.  When they make such excuses for their sons, they should be stripped of everything they hold dear, their privilege, their money, their name.
Monsters living in plain sight should not be allowed any excuses for an inexcusable act in any circumstance.  
The term "**** culture" shows us nothing other than how disgusting  we have let our world become.   That as a whole, we worry more about the ink on the dollar bill than we do about the blood coursing through our sisters hearts.  
Somewhere, at both the time I'm writing this and the time you are reading this, someone is either being ***** or someone is being excused for ****** someone.  And once again I must ask, Isn't enough, enough?  When will we stand and unite against greed and give ourselves back to the gift of love?  Let it be soon... let it be today
Akira Chinen
Written by
Akira Chinen  122/M/texas
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