A circle was made all around Praises became the sound Lord on high please hear our cry The world is in turmoil Oh our soul We need our spirits uplifted We know of Heavens daily watch The Holy Spirit being our catch The Devil is trying to take Earth’s whole But we know your power that is behold There are numerous souls that you need to seek But let us repeat The world is thinking on defeat We need your blessings and enriched Faith We don’t have any doubt Our prayer is being a praising shout Your word is crystal clear You are merciful, and we have no fear It’s your everyday guidance that is always near Hear our voices We need your power Ongoing being every hour Build a fence around us to protect The Evil to keep out and the Devil to reject This we ask Lord tonight Help us overcome the struggles in the world’s plight Please keep us under your blood and guiding light Help us not to always be uptight Watch over Take us from when to can Amen at the end.