Mysterious Night Come look on vistas ever sweeping the hills a maiden walks in white she seems to create Greater light follow her into the night where fire flies is her crown and lights up her curvaceous gown And the gentle dawn she breaks by her sleepy eyes that causes the heart to be the only sound that is Heard as it thumps with approval add a touch of dew to her hair if you dare a swaying week kneed man Isn’t the most attractive sight but what can be when you’re caught in the awe of such loveliness like the Current of the Seine just turn on the Paris lights stroll the west end the glow from the shop windows Adds to the flow mix it with jasmine and here the slow expressive violin drift along the empty street Its heaven coursing stop the carriage driver it is the perfect night for a carriage ride in the park Somewhere as you listen to the clip clop of the horse’s hooves you are transported to the sea coast Of ole Monterey out at the point of the peninsula the mighty waves crash over the rocks in the Moonlight the night does speak with wondrous overtures love is the thrill that covers all the land Mermaids sing from the hidden mysterious places that they alone know and then all the picturesque Vivid images end alas it was just a lovely dream if so why do I still smell the Jasmine and a perfume that is only sold in Paris