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Jun 2016
There is only
One job  
For me to do
To meet flesh
And go right through

I wonder
How many
Brother bullets
Have I in this world
And how many new
Are born
Every day

How many die
Because of me
And how many
Suffer injury

Good thing I don’t
Have a mind
Where I go
I don’t decide

Could be any soldier
But without his body armour
If he wears a metal hat
I couldn’t go through that

Could be a baby
In his pram
In Siam
Or Amsterdam
In London Town
Or Paraguay
More likely
In The USA

Could be
A newly-married girl
Anywhere in the world
Or maybe
A holy priest
In The Middle East

Good thing I don’t
Have a mind
Where I go
I don’t decide

Sean Hunt  June 13 2016
Sean Hunt
Written by
Sean Hunt  Windermere, Cumbria
(Windermere, Cumbria)   
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