"I feel sorry for you." His voice was never one to mock. It was always gentle, non-judgemental. (where's the catch?) It didn't stop me from laughing anyway. "Why?"
"It must **** to go through life too scared to really give a **** about anything." (no really where's the catch?)
I admit, I lost my wit, there was nothing I could think of to say. My tongue rolled around in my mouth looking for lost words Checking behind every tooth to see if they were hidden there. I managed to cough once to see if any were lodged in my throat. But all I could think of was how beautiful he looked in the moonlight the only thing giving light to his eyes, half a cigarette I wondered then If the burning stump gave his eyes that red tint or maybe he was born with it. ******* on his cancer stick. Maybe that's were he got his words from I should start smoking too. Maybe "The world isn't so black and white, you know?" He had a way of making the truth sound poetic Like it did on that hill, by that creek, under that moon By the burning cigarette all I could think to say was "The truth is only pretty in certain light"