You can officially say,
That I wrote about you.
That for all of, 5 minutes,
You were my muse.
But yes, I've written about you.
I write about all of my exes,
My friends, close or far, the affects love has on my life, my life, my family, my car.
I've written;
this all to say...
it's not you - it's me.
So i wrote about me, through you.
I told you I'm a newer lover;
It was all news to me;
I had no other experience from before as you had,
But, I was infatuated with your essence.
Your presence.
Was a present;
You passed it, and I gave you to the hunger
of my paper and pen;
And then,
You'll smile thinking all the while:
'Haha, I'm in his head!'
Nah, it's cool enjoy that time.
Just know this hurts me more.
But at least you can say
That I did write about you.
For 10 minutes a day,
Even 3 on these bus rides
You were my muse.
You were the reason for these lines...
I loved the original poem so much that I just had to write it from a males point of view. The original "I wrote" is by an amazing woman on Wordpress who's name is, CroseMary... Enjoy